This Christmas will be quite different for us with the gift-giving because now it's all about Lucas. Both sets of families will be spoiling him rotten with who knows how many gifts. Will there be a bunch of toys that a two month old won't be able to play with until later next year? Will there be a ton more outfits that will make him even more handsome? How about more diapers, bath stuff, bottle stuff, etc? What I do know is that our car will be full of so much to carry back home with maybe at least 75% of it being Lucas' stuff. That's okay. It really is all about Lucas.
I do have to say that most of the gifts we've purchased are for other family members and very few for Lucas. I guess the mindset is that everyone else will be giving him so much, as well as he is still so new and received so many gifts the past few months. I know I'm running out of ideas of what to get for him.
Ooh, and what do we have here?? Remember how I said previously that my stocking is the green one? Well it already has a few gifts in it! I wonder if they are from Hubby and Lucas?? Any guesses on what they might be? I guess we will just have to find out Christmas morning. :)
As you can see from the photos above the pile of gifts is larger than our actual tree! Check out tomorrow's blog hop post to continue with the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge.