Nine Days.
Eight Nights.
Not much rest.
That about sums it up.
Hubby was out of town for work. He just got back last night. He was planned to be gone for eleven days. Aren't I lucky he got to come home early?
I'll be honest. I made it a full week and then some. But that last day I think I was close to my breaking point. Neither one of us have had to be on our own with the boy for longer than a few days. Usually we have family helping us out if needed.
He left on a Monday morning. We dropped him off at the airport. Then from there we had
Lucas' nine month check-up and then I went off to work for a few hours. The moment I picked him up from school is when I was on my own. Our first night of many, alone.
My main concerns were that Lucas wouldn't sleep through the morning and allow me to get myself ready for work before I had to get him up and ready. My routine consists of me showering and washing my hair in the mornings. {I need clean hair.} I was going to be so unhappy if I couldn't wash my hair...
The first night Lucas slept through the night in his own room. {Yay!} It was definitely a great start to my single mommyhood. The next night, not so much. He woke up in the middle of the night and wouldn't get back to sleep in his crib, so I had to bring him in bed with me. And of course as soon as you lay him down in our bed he conks out and begins snoring. {Spoiled. Rotten.} But at about 4am I was able to move him back to his room and when my alarm went off at 5:30am he was still asleep. Score...I was able to still get my shower and myself ready for work before getting him up.
So out of eight nights, only three of them he was able to sleep in his own bed. Majority of them I was still able to move him to his room before I had to get up and ready for work. The very last morning however was the first and only that he didn't sleep in and allow me to get my shower. Ugh. Dirty hair = Hair pulled back.
But in the evenings we established a routine that worked for us. We get home by 6pm and shortly after that I get him his evening bottle. We watch tv while he plays and moves around all over the place. Between 7:30-8pm he would get his bath and play. After that I dress him in his jammies so there's no more scooting around allowed. Majority of the time he would have worn himself out and settle in my lap as we watched more tv. I would get him one more bottle to fill up his tummy and he would usually fall asleep shortly thereafter.
Off to his crib he would go. Then it was time for me to get some stuff done around the house. Wash his bottles. Load/unload the dishwasher. Run a load of laundry. Put away clothes. And after I caught up on house chores I was able to ready myself for bed and maybe even read a book or watch some more tv before going to sleep, usually between 10-11pm. My nightly phone call with Hubby would occur at this time too!
And then as I said, throughout the night he may or may not have woken up and had to be settled down.
And for the nights he insisted on sleeping in my bed, I so cherished the tossing and turning he would do, kicking me and such. :)
Hubby was also gone during the weekend. Lucas and I pretty much spent the whole weekend at home playing, throwing tantrums, then napping from tantrum exhaustion, and repeat... My biggest accomplishment: I was able to get all his new 9-12 month clothes sorted and washed.
Tantrum Time! |
One of many naps we enjoyed. |
But overall, I really enjoyed my time with the boy. He started using his M's more and rather than all the "ada da da's" he's been saying, he's starting saying more "ama ma ma's". :) He started "scaling" the walls and furniture as I like to put it; walking along all the furniture and the walls to get from room to room. He just keeps getting faster at it!
One of our "Good Morning" picture texts sent to Hubby |
That last day however was a lot of relief the moment we arrived at the airport to pick up Hubby. Lucas and I made a little sign welcoming home Dada. We got a few Aww's as people passed by. And I swear that Hubby had to have been the very last person off the stupid plane! Talk about suspense. But as soon as he came out we all had big smiles on our faces. Hubby once he saw us with our little sign. And me once I saw Hubby and realized FREEDOM!!! {Hehe.}
Needless to say I value Hubby's support, and I'm glad I'm not doing this alone. I commend all the single parents out there! I wish I could say this will be my only "stint" as a single parent but Hubby has to go out of town again for another week this month. :( But that should only be 4-5 days at least.
I'll get through it. I know I can now.