We spent the Saturday night and Sunday before Christmas with my parents and two brothers. First, Saturday night we went to Charlotte Motor Speedway and zMax Dragway to see their "Speedway Christmas". It took a very very long time to get through the line to even drive through the track and see all the lights. But we did wait for the Saturday night just before Christmas to go. Next time we will try to go a little earlier, and I would recommend so too.
Then before we knew it it was "Christmas Morning"! Lucas was taking his time opening his gifts, although he was doing pretty well at tearing off some of the wrapping paper and then handing it to me. But he would want to play with the present he opened instead of opening another one. I was busy helping him so I didn't get many photos, but Unk Nick got Lucas a cool digital camera of his very own. And further below are some of the photos taken with it. Haha.
Grandpa and Nana with Lucas
Two - Just the three of us
Hubby and I stayed home this Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Lucas - no traveling whatsoever. It was important to us to spend this time together and wake up in our own home Christmas day, and not rush around to see other family. Just a low-key time for us.
First things first...Breakfast. We made some scrambled eggs and potatoes since they were quick and easy, and the boy was hungry {me too}.
Then we got straight to the gifts. We concentrated on Lucas this year, only filling each other's stockings with little things for us. And again, it took some time unwrapping all his presents. But this time I got photos. {He wanted to play with my camera more than his toys though.} Santa did good this year, although he didn't help me eat all my cookies...ugh.
And a Booger shot!! :)
Our other kids also got gifts this year too. Elijah and Oliver got a cat tower and Miley got a new bed, both from Costco. So far the boys haven't used the tower too much, although I've heard them scratch at it a bit I haven't seen them sleep in it. And Miley only likes her bed when Lucas isn't in it.
Three - A Newman Christmas
The Saturday after Christmas we spent time with Hubby's family. A lot of them came into town to visit his grandmother, so we got to see some of the extended family too. Sunday morning we did "Christmas" again and Lucas got to open his gifts from Santa.
Four - Godmothers' time
Saturday afternoon Lucas' godmothers, Holli and Kenda, both came to visit so we could give them his Christmas presents to them. He worked hard to create a Masterpiece for them!
They each have one half of it. I really hope they enjoy them.
And they also brought him a Christmas present. Oh boy, did he love it! It had to be charged up first so he kept trying to get it to go himself and decided to push it around like his other cars in the meantime. :)
Overall, this boy had a great Christmas x4. Santa and his family did a great job of keeping him spoiled.