As I mentioned in yesterday's "Loved Ones" Challenge, our travel plans this Christmas include visiting both sets of families, mine and my hubby's.
First, we plan on driving the 2.5 hours to my parents home in the Charlotte area and spending Christmas Eve and Christmas morning enjoying each other's company. Most importantly it will be my baby's first Christmas so all the attention will be on him. (He will be spoiled rotten I'm sure!)
It will just be us along with my parents and my two older brothers. The majority of my extended family lives in New Jersey so we won't be able to celebrate with them. It would be nice to see snow this Christmas and let's face it, there's a much better chance of that in Jersey than down here in the South. But it's not impossible! Here's a picture of last year's White Christmas at my parent's (in the South!).
That's not just a small dusting either.
Christmas 2010
Here's a picture of their tree (the top portion anyway).
That's all the traveling we haved planned for Christmas, then back to the sister-in-law's house again for New Year's Eve celebrations with a bunch of my hubby's cousins, aunts and uncles.
If you haven't started your own 12 Days of Christmas Challenge yet then you are already behind - better catch up! Here are the details again for you to get started.
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